CAPP Consulting Model – Comprehensive, Abbreviated, Pointed, Progressive
Using our CAPP Consulting Model to improve organizational performance, you can realize positive changes in a short period of time. Whether it be team building or group effectiveness, facilitating a retreat, or guiding a change management effort, we can help you without the protracted hours of preparation meetings, tons of unnecessary research, and pages of never read reports. This model is comprehensive in nature because we “work with you” to identify a specific business problem or opportunity. A critical element to solving a problem or making a change is to get buy-in from important stakeholders but making the business case can be difficult. The CAPP approach includes a professional coaching component that enables you to learn how to present and solve the issue in a practical and expeditious manner. Our expertise in helping clients make the proper business case is a sought after coaching and consulting offering because it’s a no- nonsense way of utilizing your time and money.
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